tirsdag 27. oktober 2009

eskimo kyss

Så her om dagen ble eskimokyss et samtale emne, og i klassisk stil må jo dette følges opp med litt resurch så takk til wikipedia som alltid er tilgjengelig med info om alt:

The act known as Eskimo kissing in modern western culture is loosely based on a traditional Inuit greeting called a kunik.[1]
A kunik is a form of expressing affection, usually between family members and loved ones, that involves pressing the nose and upper lip against the skin (commonly the cheeks or forehead) and breathing in, causing the loved one's skin or hair to be suctioned against the nose and upper lip.[2] A common misconception is that the practice arose so that Inuit could kiss without their mouths freezing together. In fact, it is a non-erotic form of greeting that serves as an intimate way of greeting one another for people who, when they meet, often have little except their nose and eyes exposed.
When early explorers of the Arctic first witnessed this behavior they dubbed it Eskimo kissing. In its western form it consists of two people rubbing noses together. One of the earliest representations of the Eskimo kiss comes from Robert Flaherty's 1922 film Nanook of the North, considered by many to be the first real documentary or ethnographic film. It is possibly from this source that the non-Inuit/Eskimo public became aware of this convention.

Så der har du den, men man kan jo ikke stoppe ved wikipedia, selvfølgelig må man jo ta i bruk you tube. Lættis nokk så ligger der en del how to filmer, og selvfølgelig en How to eskimo kiss!

Dette paret virker å være litt ivrige kyssere for de har laget en del How to versjoner av forkjelige kyss! så nå vet dere det <3

XoXo Rie

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